tips from angie

How to Deal with a Disruptive Member

We’ve all been there. We’ve come to class prepared and eager to lead, only to discover that there’s that one person- the one who won’t stop talking to the people around them, who answers their cell ...

tips from angie

Four Assumptions We Never Want to Make

Do you let that one negative person get in your head, or take responsibility for everyone getting a great workout? Sometimes as group fitness instructors, we make assumptions that get in the way of ...

tips from angie

Kettlebell Combination for Group Fitness

Kettlebells are a great tool to use in small and large group fitness classes. You can use them in circuit or bootcamp style classes, or devote an entire class to kettlebell training. Grouping ...

tips from angie

How to Sub like a Boss!

Subbing can be scary. When we step in to fill the shoes of someone who has already built a loyal community of followers, it’s not an easy task. But who says leadership is easy? Subbing takes us out ...

tips from angie

How To Care For Yourself So You Can Care For Others

As instructors, we’re social, energetic people, and our bucket feels full when we’re helping others; but it’s no secret that if we fail to nurture our own needs, we risk burnout, stress, frustration, ...

tips from angie

Part II - Are You Making These Mistakes? Six Ways to Spot a Bad Instructor!

As group fitness instructors, we know that mistakes are part of the job. The key is to recognize and learn from them so they don't become bad habits. The other week Angie shared three mistakes we ...

pass the mic to a member?

Are you making these mistakes? Six Ways to Spot a Bad Instructor!

Instructors are like magicians. We can make unbelievable things happen, keep our audience captivated, and trick them into thinking it’s effortless, but we do make “mistakes." It’s part of the job and ...

pass the mic to a member?

Body Language: It’s What You’re Not Saying That Matters Most

Group fitness instructors who are true leaders command presence. These leaders know that words matter, but more importantly, they understand that their body sends signals that speaks a language all ...

pass the mic to a member?

What if we passed the mic to a member? Four lessons (we hope) they’d learn

Have you ever fantasized about handing the mic to someone in class to show them what it’s like to get a room full of people to do the same thing at the same time? Maybe you’d hand it to the member ...

motivate members

How to Build Body Confidence

As group fitness instructors we're all about building body confidence in others, but what about us? Body confidence, in a body conscious industry, can be hard to hold on to. Even if we have it (most ...

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